The programme Give a Chance to the Gifted – was launched in 2005 and ever since hase been helping gifted children hampered by their circumstances towards developing their full potential towards a successful and happy life, thanks to our sponsors. Supportees and supporters thus build a virtual community under the umbrella of social responsibility to which we add our utmost commitment led by our vision of a better society, a better world. We hope to attract our visitors to share our vision. Look at the details.
Under the Give a Chance to he Gifted programme support is rendered to children /young individuals in their age form 10 to 18 years.
Children can enter the programme after going through an elaborate application process, starting with a written application, refernce letters, interviews with parents, school teachers and a probationary period, including participation in our summer talent camp.
Support agreements
Support is rendered then under the framework of a support frame agreement (normally with a 7-8 years horizon) annual support specified in annual appendices including also a sort of target agreement defining also actions to be taken by the pupil concerned. A tailor-made development plan would be normally defined after 2-3 years in the programme on whih annual targets are defined to address the potentials and improvable fields identified.
Forms of support
The children supported remain in their own school environment and families, while it is our key ambition to co-operate with parents and teachers serving the maximum development of the child’s potential.
Support may comprise financial support, support in kind, immatriculation to special trainings and adressing special cases of hardship.
Our vision
Our vision is to allow the young supported individuals to be able to enter a professional, eventual academic carreer after reaching the age of 18, and enable them to make their best choice and reach a successful and happy life.
Our desire is to contribute to social mobility and in turn enlarge the number of those who show great solidarity towards the less fortunate.
We deam ourselves as catalyzers between those in need of support by other members of the society and make sure that our sponsors become partners in acts of solidarity and share the feeling of enrichment themselves.
Our contribution to Roma-Integration
From the very outset we strived to integrate Roma children into the group of supported pupils to foster mutual understanding and exchange of values, while helping them to be able to live up to their potential. Today they also enrich the alumni group. Additionally we have realised targeted programmes focusing on enhancing competencies in key area and offering enrichment programmes, such as leasure excursions and cultural events.
A highlight among these projects was a “Roma Talent Workshop “ under which we put a professional theatrical performance of a lovely tale on stage, see
Our Math’s card projet has arisen from these efforts over the years.
Organisational framework
The programme had been started as a sub-programme integrated in the Foundation “Családjainkért” of the National Association of Large Families (NOE) in 2005 based on an understanding met by the initiator of the programme with the then president of NOE and continued to succesfully develop until 2018.
Then it was transferred smoothly into the Foundation established by the founder bearing the name of the programme ensuring unbroken continuity.